Monday, July 26, 2010

Watch Captain America - Comic Con Recap!

Marvel had a big panel at Comic Con over the weekend. They introduced the confirmed cast so far for The Avengers. They showed the first teaser for Thor. And they had the cast out and a teaser up for Captain America: The First Avenger.

Here is the teaser recap from, check it out and imagine just how cool this thing could be.

Also, I dig that there will be a tie in between Thor and Captain America. That should be a good point to move forward with in The Avengers franchise.

After you're done reading check out the pictures of the actual shield that Chris Evans is wielding as Steve Rogers in the movie. It's pretty awesome.

Captain America: The First Avenger is just over a week into filming, so hopefully soon we will have more photos from the set and sneak peeks at what's going on.

Stay tuned for more, and for more information on your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check out the blog.


they showed a great teaser for the movie which started with an air raid siren, which led to archival footage of World War II with famous quotes voiced over the top. We can see that there's an alternating red, white and blue background as we see different scenes from World War II.

The titles say... "In the world's greatest (something), Our Courage and Strength Led Us Into Battle. Stories Emerged of Heroes, But One Story Has Never Been Told."

The red, white and blue background slowly pulls back to show us that it is indeed Captain America's shield.

There's a voice-over of Franklin D. Roosevelt saying "Today we must create the finest army in history, and every army starts with one man."

And we see Captain America in shadow. (The crowd goes wild.)

"Next summer, meet the world's first Avenger."

And we see our first look as Chris Evans as Captain America. (Crowd goes wilder.)

Then we see the "Captain America" logo and the next shot has Captain America throwing his shield at the camera.

Geoff Boucher then brought out director Joe Johnston, Chris Evans, and Hugo Weaving to talk about the movie and their characters.

Kevin Feige told the crowd that the shots we saw was footage from the costume test.

They've only been shooting Captain America for eight days, so Hugo Weaving says that he's only spent one day in the Red Skull mask, but he didn't want to do his German accent, but they then decided to show us the first footage that they shot last week, which looked fantastic.

UPDATE: As promised, here is a detailed description of the scene that Joe Johnston shot on the first week of production, which involves Hugo Weaving's character, the future Red Skull, looking for a mysterious artifact in an ancient tomb, presumably one that will lead to him becoming the Red Skull. As Weaving had mentioned during the panel, he hadn't really been wearing the Red Skull mask as of yet, so this scene clearly introduces him when he was merely a Nazi soldier.

The footage begins with a title card saying, "Norway, May 1942."

The scene opens with two men inside what looks like a ancient tomb, and they seem petrified as the wall in front of them starts shaking and then crashing down as a bulldozer plows through it, piling rocks on top of the younger man. The older man starts taking some of the rocks off his downed companion when a bunch of German soldiers march into the room and throw the old man aside.

"Remove the lid," one of them commands, and they go to a tomb of what looks like a Scandinavian Viking warrior, and four of the soldiers push open the lid as Hugo Weaving walks in as Johann Schmidt, wearing full Nazi officer attire, and he starts talking in his German accent—sounding a bit like Christoph Waltz in fact. "It has taken me a long time to find this place. I should be commended. I gave you nothing."

"Get him up," he tells the soldiers referring to the old man, who he tells. "I think that what others see as superstition, you and I know to be a science."

"What you seek is just a legend," the old man tells him.

"Then why make such an effort to conceal it?" Weaving asks, as he walks over to the tomb and looks into what could very well be one of the Norse Gods (tying the movie into Thor) and he reaches into pick up a large glass cube that is sitting on the dead body's chest. Could it be The Cosmic Cube? (The crowd oohed and ahed as they saw what was in the tomb.)

He says, "The Tesseract was the jewel of Odins' treasure room" as he picks it up, but then he drops the cube onto the ground and it smashes to pieces. "It's not something one buries, but I think it is close, yes." He continues as he walks over to one of the walls where there's a raised etching of a large tree.

"So…" he says as he starts reaching around the base of the wall. "Yggdrasil, the Tree of the World, guardian of wisdom, and fate also." He pushes a raised section at the base and pulls out a piece of the wall and he opens up what's inside and a glow pours out of the item lighting up his entire face.

"You've never seen this, have you?" he says to the old man.

"It's not for the eyes of ordinary men," the old man trembles in response.

"Exactly," smiles Schmidt as his face is bathed in light and the scene ends.

There's a lot of interesting things we can learn from this scene, which play an important part not only in the origin of the Red Skull, but also how Captain America may tie in with Thor. The first is the existence of the Cosmic Cube this early in the Marvel Movie Universe and how it plays not only into the origin of the Red Skull, but how it may be connected to Odin (who is presumably the body in that tomb) and the Gods of Asgard. Chances are that this will be one of the few ties between the movies being that much of Captain America will take place in the ‘40s, but it could be setting up something much bigger down the road for The Avengers, maybe not in the first movie but certainly in a future one.

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